Nirmala Girls’ Home: This Home for the girls was started in 1975 for the Children of the leprosy patients and beggars. Now this home opens it door to all girls who are orphans, semi-orphans, children of single parents, and those who are living in very difficult social or economic conditions. The ‘Bridge of Life’ foundation helped us to renovate this building in 2017. This home provides the children with every facility for an all-round development – a dormitory, a study hall, a refectory, a TV hall and other recreational facilities. They attend the Don Bosco Schools in the campus which is situated close to the home. They are given special tuition and encouraged to study till XII Standard; many of them are also helped to continue with their college studies. They are also opportunities to participate in various types of training programmes to enhance their innate talents like dance, games, dramatics, public speaking skills etc.
The Salesian Sisters with the help of the Salesians lovingly look after these girls. At present there are 35 girls who are very happy to be here.